
Create your JustGiving page

Using JustGiving is an easy way to fundraise for My Name’5 Doddie Foundation. No muss, no fuss so you can concentrate on getting your miles!

Each district has its own JustGiving page which you create your own page under - just tap the relevant district name below to get started.

Edinburgh - Glasgow - North & Mids Scotland - Barbarians - South Scotland - Wales

If you need assistance setting up your Doddie Aid fundraising page, the fundraising team are here help!

Download our new fundraising pack!

You’re now part of a brilliant team of people who, mile by mile, are helping to be part of the cure to motor neuron disease

Our new Doddie Aid fundraising pack has all the information you need to make the biggest difference.

Download fundraising pack

Download fundraising materials

From customisable fundraising posters, to sponsorship forms and even a printable bunting template – we have the materials you need to make your fundraising activity a huge success!

Download materials

Facebook Groups

Don’t forget to join your district Facebook group which is a great way to be part of the Doddie Aid community, engage with other participants, and even join in with group activities.